Sunday, March 4, 2007

Assignment 4: Save this/that - Poster Design


1. Pick a topic related to the theme (e.g.. save trees, stop coral destruction, stop pollution, save singlish, etc.)
2. Write a copy (text which goes on poster) of not more than 150 words
3. Design the poster such that it coveys the meaning through layout (placement of visual elements and their interaction- photos, text, graphics elements etc)
4. Take Colour print out. Size of Artwork: A3.

For this exercise, I thought of doing on the topic of "Stop Piracy". Due to the difficulties in making real photos & effect for the poster design, I settled with just using simple drawing to create another kind of 'signboard' style of poster.

(Due to the issue of piracy, I yet to have the Adobe Photoshop software in my laptop, so can only use FreeHand & Fireworks... or using the computers in school...)

Lastly, encourage everyone to support Original! (Or at least, prevent piracy if it's within your control... Though it's really tempting, but that's the right thing to do...)

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